MT Electrical Services
MT Electrical Services
A sole trader with over 20 year of skill, knowledge and experience in the electrical industry.
Specialise in domestic and small commercial work.
Customer base :
Over the last few years customer have been returning on a regular basis.
House, Flat, Bungalow, Out Building, HMO's
Complete package of electrical works can be carried out to meet your specification and requiremnts
Retail Unit, Shops, Garage, Warehouse, Office
Can provide a design and build spec or work to drawing and specification that are supplied.
NICEIC Approved Contractor
National Inspection Council for Electrical Installation Contracting.
Certification provided on all applicable work carried out.
Notification to Building Control, if required.
Installed a new cable from the house to the small home office.
Customer requested two double socket outlets with USB outlets.
For small electrical appliances.
Tested and Certificate issued after the work was completed.
Utilised an unused electrical supply in the garden.
Extended with a waterproof joint and connected to the pre installed consumer unit within the Sheppard's hut.
Tested and Certificate issued after the work was completed.
Alterations were made to the existing electrical wiring to meet the requirements of the new fitted kitchen.
To facilitate the installation of :
Lighting repositioned and upgraded to LED lighting :
Tested and Certificate issued after the work was completed.
Project - New Business
MT Electrical was invited to tender for the electrical installation for a new business venture of a boarding kennels and salon for dogs.
The dog kennels will be a new purpose built building that will be constructed first. Then the dog salon will be constructed in an adjacent building that needs repurposing.
The customer requested that MT Electrical provided a design and build installation from the construction drawings.
There was a requirement with this job to work in coordination with multiple trades and other contractors..
Dog Boarding Kennel
A fully air condition dog boarding kennel with a capacity of 26, providing indoor and outdoor secure areas.
The installation was designed to match the challenges of the environment and the occupiers.
The building also included a wash room and food prep room.
The electrical installation included :
A full design and build manual was supplier to the customer..
Tested and Certificate issued after the work was completed.
Dog Salon
A bright and stylish dog grooming salon with an electrical installation to match the environment for staff and customers.
Tested and Certificate issued after the work was completed.
Always my first choice for any house electrics and installations. Creative, innovative and an eagle-eye for detail! Highly recommend.
Highly recommended.
Martyn !!! Oh thank you for such swift response.
Very much appreciated.
As usual you are my shining star 🌟
All Rights Reserved | MT Electrical Services